Thursday, February 2, 2012

Journal 14 - Robinson

Realism – The theory or practice in art and literature of fidelity to nature or to real life and to accurate representation without idealization of the most typical views, details, and surroundings of the subject.

Read the following poems and write a detailed description for each of the title characters and explain how each is an example of the “real” instead of the “ideal.”

“Richard Cory“ (497)

The meaning of the name is that he was rich, but to the core, he was depressed. In reality, he thought he had nothing, but everyone in the town thought he had everything. People tend to idealize others based on the appearences, but the realism is that what’s really going on underneath the surface.

“Miniver Cheevy” (497)

The characters name Minimer Cheevy, suggests that it means minimum achiever. He wished that he was born into the Midevil times. You learn this from when he talks about loathing a khaki suit and missed the suits of armor. Also, he liked the idea of knights and chivalry and the romance of the Renaissance. What makes this real instead of ideal is that he wasn’t an important figure, he was more of an average joe. Cheevy just daydreams of being a knight, just like all other regular people daydream as well. That’s what seperates him from being ideal.

“Mr. Flood’s Party” (498)

The name is connected that he’s lonely and drowing from drinking so much. He’s receding into the past. Also, Flood has outlived all of his friends, which means he is probably not going to live much longer. He’s in an era of change, but is too old to keep up with that change. What Flood’s life is focused on is in the past, which leaves him to be sad, lonely, and drunk.

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